Producing in two different fields powerfully

3 min read

Dr. Hooman sepantamehr

Many people may believe that there is no difference between producing a film, and TV series (nowadays other platforms too), However, this judgment is not accurate. When the viewers watch a film on a theatre screen with all the details shown in perfection, and with the Dolby sound quality, watching the whole film at once without being able to rewind, things would Be much different than watching the same film on a DVD player or other platforms at home, where you can pause, drink some coffee, and replay. This example brings up just one of the differences between Cinema and TV. Producing content for both of these platforms requires expertise in both fields. A producer who is successful in one of the fields is not necessarily successful in the other field, and vice versa. This is very notable in Iranian cinema, as often successful producers of cinema are may not do a great job producing TV series, although with few exceptions. During the 1990s and after Iraj Tahmasb gained success with his very popular TV show Kolah Ghermezi (The Red Hat guy), he decided to turn it to a film, which turned out to be very successful in theaters for a long time. This producer, who also directed his own TV shows and films, made few more films in the upcoming years, which none of them gained the popularity of his TV series “Kolah Ghermezi.”

In recent years, Iranian cinema has introduced a young and talented producer that has proved to be very successful in all entertainment fields including TV series, online platforms, and movies. Mehdi Moniri, a film school graduate, has been able to manifest his capabilities producing films, as well as making content for online platforms and TV series. Moniri who first gained attention after producing the “haftkhan” series (the series was strongly criticized by few religious people) starring Iranian superstar Reza Golzar, proved again that although being a successful TV producer and film producer at the same time is very difficult, but it is not impossible. Mehdi moniri then produced “Paper Dream’’ movie which achieved several festival awards from all over the world. His most recent project “Loteria,” which was a joint production between United States and Mexico, and considering the theme of the film, its direction, and its production,
is projected to be nominated in several upcoming film festivals.
Moniri’s very high sense of creativity and innovation, his leadership and teamwork skills, and his vast knowledge and experience in the field, are among the factors that promise a very bright and successful future for him in entertainment industry, considering his young age.

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