The Importance of Private Sector Activity in the Film Industry

3 min read

The Success Story of the Doroudian Homayouni Brothers

By : Atrin Khoze

In countries where the film industry relies heavily on government budgets and sometimes on public institutions, there is usually no room for the private sector to thrive. This is the case when state-funded films are produced with large budgets, as well as when these films with sometimes astronomical budgets and various advertising facilities enter the screening queue. In recent years, many producers and investors in the film industry in these countries, mostly in the Middle East, who worked in the private sector, have decided to leave the industry due to unfair competition and have taken their own paths away from the cinema. However, there have been and still are producers who have shown themselves in this limited opportunity and space for the private sector through their creativity and intelligence and even in some cases, compete with institutional works.

One of the prominent examples of successful private sector producers who have been active in the Iranian film industry for over a decade and have not only not relinquished their ground to their powerful state competitors but have also had a significant progress in choosing and producing their works are the Doroudian Homayouni Brothers, Sadra and kasra Doroudian Homayouni. They started their activities in the cinema with the film “Mr. A” which, strangely, was named as the first 3D Iranian film, only two years after the release of Avatar, and used local technology. A few years later, they founded Heydayanian Film House and now they are known as one of the most important private sector producers in the Iranian film industry.

The Doroudian homayouni Brothers have been able to use their creativity and talent to compete with the state-funded films and even to surpass them in some cases, despite the many difficulties they face. Their success story highlights the importance of private sector activity in the film industry and how it can bring new and innovative perspectives to the cinema world. By encouraging and supporting the private sector in the film industry, governments can foster healthy competition and contribute to the growth and development of the industry as a whole.

In conclusion, private sector activity in the film industry is vital for healthy competition and growth. The success of the Doroudian Homayouni Brothers demonstrates that with creativity, talent, and determination, private sector producers can make significant contributions to the film industry, even in the face of many challenges. It is essential for governments to support and encourage private sector activity in the film industry to foster a dynamic and thriving cinema culture.

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